Kitemark® makes the gas flow better


1 November 2006

When the Gas Distribution Networks - National Grid, Scotia Gas Networks, Northern Gas Networks, and Wales & West Utilities - choose to specify the Kitemark® for products used on their networks the message is quite clear – Kitemark® demonstrates product quality and consistency. The value and importance of the Kitemark® in ensuring confident purchasing decisions, consistent product manufacture and safe, reliable products cannot be underestimated for major utility companies. 

Kitemark® certification

Gas Distribution Networks will require all products used on the gas distribution networks to have BSI Kitemark® certification. As such BSI Product Services has recently started the process of certification against and agreed suite of Gas Industry Standards (GIS) for the Gas Distribution Networks.

This means that any existing Transco approved product that is purchased under an existing contract must be Kitemark® certified by the time a new contract for that product is awarded, or within six months, whichever is the greater.

In the case of new contracts commencing after April 2007, the Gas Distribution Networks will only purchase products that have been Kitemark® certified as conforming to the initial set of GIS’s implemented in October 2006.

“The move by the Gas Distribution Networks to specify Kitemark® is a step forward and adds to the growing number of large organisations who are already benefiting from their decision to specify only Kitemark® certified products where appropriate.” Says Chris Lewis, Business Manager for Construction Products at BSI. “With the issues of liability and the need to improve risk management in the decision and specifying process, organizations can help mitigate the risks involved in non-performance by selecting only those products and services which have been tested to the stringent Kitemark standards.

To see FAQs about this scheme visit, visit the National Grid website.